根據《中華民國刑法》第 339 條:

1. 意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有,以詐術使人將本人或第三人之物交付者,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科五十萬元以下罰金。
2. 以前項方法得財產上不法之利益或使第三人得之者,亦同。
3. 前二項之未遂犯罰之。




  1. 由**********建置的阿魯米金融研究院之線上平臺,包含其所提供的所有網頁、服務、軟體,但不包含產品中可能含有的所有非在平臺上創作的外部連結、嵌入式網頁等服務,以下簡稱作「產品」。
  2. 使用「產品」的個人或組織,以下簡稱作「使用者」。
  3. 「使用者」在使用「產品」時,即表示同意遵守本服務條款,並且明白「產品」的相關隱私政策。如果「使用者」不同意本服務條款或隱私政策,其應當停止使用「產品」。


  1. 「使用者」在使用「產品」時,應當遵守中華民國任何相關法律,以及任何使用者所在地區與國家之相關法律,並且不得利用「產品」進行任何違法行為,亦或者利用「產品」中的內容在他處進行違法行為。這些違法行為包括但不限於:
    1. 侵害他人智慧財產權。
    2. 侵害他人隱私權。
    3. 從事任何詐欺行為。
  2. 「產品」已經透過嚴密的安全機制,保護「使用者」的個人資料,並且不會在功能與流量統計之外,將其提供給任何不必要的第三方。但是,「使用者」應當自行保護其個人資料,並且不應該將其提供給任何第三方。因為「使用者」的不當使用,致其本身的資料外洩,本平臺不負任何責任。
  3. 任何「使用者」若嘗試透過「產品」進行任何破壞、竄改、破解、入侵、或者其他任何不當行為,本平臺有權利將其帳號停用,並且將其相關資料提供給相關單位進行調查。
  4. 「使用者」不得透過「產品」進行任何商業行為,包括但不限於:
    1. 透過「產品」進行廣告行為。
    2. 透過轉讓「產品」的帳號進行交易。
    3. 透過「產品」的內容進行任何形式的交易。


  1. 平臺方面在獲悉「使用者」有違反本服務條款的行為時,有權利在不通知、不解釋的狀態下,將其帳號停用,並且保留將其相關資料提供給相關單位進行調查的權利。


  1. 本平臺不保證「產品」的功能一定能夠符合「使用者」的需求,也不保證「產品」的功能一定能夠持續運作,亦或者不會有任何錯誤。另外,本平臺亦保留在不通知、不解釋的狀態下,隨時停止「產品」的運作,或者「產品」中部分功能與服務的運作,的權利。
  2. 本平臺的核心目標為在金融相關領域中,促進與推廣「學習資源」、「即時分享」、「開放討論」、「打擊詐騙」。但是,本平臺不保證「產品」中的任何內容的正確性。「使用者」在閱覽「產品」中的任何內容時,應當自行判斷其正確性。
  3. 任何關於投資、理財的相關知識,「使用者」本身應該預先具備,並且不應該將「產品」中的任何內容視為投資建議。若有任何「使用者」因為「產品」中的任何內容而造成的任何形式的損失,本平臺不負任何責任。
  4. 本平臺不保證「產品」中的任何內容,尤其是由「使用者」自行編寫上傳的內容,不會侵害任何第三方的智慧財產權,亦或者不會侵害任何第三方的隱私權。若有任何第三方認為「產品」中的任何內容侵害其智慧財產權或隱私權,請聯絡本平臺予以告知,本平臺將會在第一時間進行處理。

Terms of Service

CH1: About the Terms of Service

  1. The online platform of 阿魯米金融研究院, provided by **********, including all of the served websites, services, and software, not including the possible content not created on this platform, such as external links and embedded webpages, is termed the “Product” in the following terms.
  2. The individual or organization using the “Product” is termed the “User” in the following terms.
  3. The “User” agrees to abide by the following terms when using the “Product”, and understands the related Privacy Policy. If the “User” does not agree to the following terms or the Privacy Policy, the “User” shall stop using the “Product”.

CH2: Guidelines for the User

  1. The “User” shall abide by any related laws of the Republic of China, and any related laws of the region or country where the “User” is located, when using the “Product”. The “User” shall not use the “Product” to conduct any illegal activities, or use the content of the “Product” to conduct any illegal activities elsewhere. These illegal activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Infringement of intellectual property rights of others.
    2. Infringement of privacy rights of others.
    3. Any fraudulent activities.
  2. The “Product” has a strict security mechanism to protect the personal information of the “User”, and will not provide it to any unnecessary third parties, except for the purpose of function and traffic analytics. However, the “User” shall protect its personal information by itself, and shall not provide it to any third parties. The “Product” shall not be responsible for any data leakage caused by the “User”.
  3. If any “User” attempts to use the “Product” to conduct any destructive, tampering, cracking, intrusive, or any other improper activities, the platform has the right to disable its account, and provide its related information to the relevant authorities for investigation.
  4. The “User” shall not use the “Product” to conduct any of the following commercial activities:
    1. Using the “Product” to conduct any form of advertising.
    2. Treat any user accounts of the “Product” as items of any transactions.
    3. Conduct any form of transactions through the content of the “Product”.

CH3: Guidelines for Account Deactivation

  1. The platform has the right to disable the account of any “User” who violates the Terms of Service, without any notification or explanation, and has the right to provide its related information to the relevant authorities for investigation.

CH4: Disclaimer

  1. The platform does not guarantee that the functions of the “Product” will meet the needs of the “User”, nor does it guarantee that the functions of the “Product” will continue to operate, or that there will be no errors. In addition, the platform reserves the right to terminate the operation of the “Product”, or the operation of some functions and services in the “Product”, without any notification or explanation.
  2. The core goal of the platform is to promote and popularize “learning resources”, “real-time sharing”, “open discussion”, and “anti-fraud” in the financial field. However, the platform does not guarantee the accuracy of any content in the “Product”. When the “User” browses any content in the “Product”, it shall judge its accuracy by itself.
  3. Any knowledge related to investment and financial management should be possessed by the “User” in advance, and the “User” should not regard any content in the “Product” as investment advice. If any “User” suffers any form of loss due to any content in the “Product”, the platform shall not be responsible for it.
  4. The platform does not guarantee that any content in the “Product”, especially the content uploaded by the “User”, will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party, or will not infringe the privacy rights of any third party. If any third party believes that any content in the “Product” infringes its intellectual property rights or privacy rights, please contact the platform to inform it, and the platform will perform related processing as soon as possible.

