根據《中華民國刑法》第 339 條:

1. 意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有,以詐術使人將本人或第三人之物交付者,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科五十萬元以下罰金。
2. 以前項方法得財產上不法之利益或使第三人得之者,亦同。
3. 前二項之未遂犯罰之。




  1. 由**********建置的阿魯米金融研究院之線上平臺,包含其所提供的所有網頁、服務、軟體,但不包含產品中可能含有的所有非在平臺上創作的外部連結、嵌入式網頁等服務,以下簡稱作「產品」。
  2. 使用「產品」的個人或組織,以下簡稱作「使用者」。
  3. 本隱私政策旨在告知「使用者」,本平臺如何蒐集、處理、利用及保護「使用者」的個人資料,以及其所享有的權利。
  4. 在「使用者」使用「產品」時,即表示同意本隱私政策中所述的資料蒐集、處理、利用及保護方式。若「使用者」不同意本隱私政策中所述的資料蒐集、處理、利用及保護方式,請勿使用「產品」。
  5. 為了達成本隱私政策中所描述的目的,本平臺使用 HTTP Cookie 等相關技術。在「使用者」使用「產品」時,即表示同意這些相關技術的使用。


  1. 未登入之「使用者」,本平臺將於其瀏覽「產品」時,蒐集其瀏覽器的相關資訊,包含但不限於瀏覽器版本、作業系統版本、IP位址、瀏覽器語言、瀏覽器設定等,以利本平臺進行網站流量分析、網站維護、網站安全防護等。


  1. 已登入之「使用者」,本平臺將對其蒐集所有對未登入之「使用者」蒐集的項目,以利本平臺進行網站流量分析、網站維護、網站安全防護等。
  2. 已登入之「使用者」,本平臺將於其使用「產品」時,蒐集其在「產品」上任何行為的紀錄以及其所衍伸出來的相關統計資訊,包含但不限於瀏覽、點擊、輸入、上傳、下載、刪除等。另外,使用者登入時所記錄的相關資訊,亦會被完整地蒐集與保存:
    1. 使用者的電子郵件信箱
    2. 使用者的虛擬 ID
    3. 使用者的暱稱
    4. 使用者的頭像
    5. 使用者的手機號碼
    6. 使用者的密碼(經加密後儲存;本平臺無法查看「使用者」的密碼)


  1. 本平臺將儘合理之努力,保護「使用者」的個人資料,以防止未經授權之存取、使用或揭露。
  2. 除了下列所述的情況之外,本平臺不會將「使用者」的個人資料提供給任何第三方:
    1. 金流服務提供商:本平臺將使用「使用者」的個人資料,以完成「使用者」在「產品」上的付費行為。本平臺使用:
    2. 數據分析服務提供商:數據分析服務提供商會藉由此平臺蒐集「使用者」的個人資料以進行分析,並提供本平臺相關的數據分析服務。本平臺使用:
    3. 資訊安全服務提供商:資訊安全服務提供商在提供本平臺相關的資訊安全服務時,會藉由此平臺蒐集「使用者」的個人資料以進行分析,並提供本平臺相關的資訊安全服務。本平臺使用:
    4. 法律要求:本平臺將依據法律的要求的合理情形下,提供「使用者」的個人資料給相關政府單位;但本平臺將儘合理之努力,於此情形下,通知「使用者」;並且,本平臺將儘合理之努力,阻止相關政府單位取得不必要的資訊。
    5. 違法行為的舉報:在確定任何「使用者」違反本平臺的服務條款且觸犯相關法律後,本平臺將會依法將「使用者」的違法行為與個人資料提供給相關政府單位。在此情形下,本平臺將不會通知「使用者」,亦不會針對任何使用者的個人資料保護採取任何的措施。



  1. 本平臺將會儲存「使用者」的個人資料,直到「使用者」刪除其帳號為止。
  2. 「使用者」可以聯絡本平臺,要求本平臺刪除其帳號。在此情形下,本平臺將會刪除「使用者」的帳號,並且將「使用者」的個人資料刪除。

Privacy Policy

CH1: About the Privacy Policy

  1. The online platform of 阿魯米金融研究院, provided by **********, including all of the served websites, services, and software, not including the possible content not created on this platform, such as external links and embedded webpages, is termed the “Product” in the following terms.
  2. The individual or organization using the “Product” is termed the “User” in the following terms.
  3. The intention of the Privacy Policy is to describe the way the “Product” collects, uses, and protects the “User”'s personal information, and to inform the “User” of the the rights the “User” has regarding the “User”'s personal information.
  4. The “User” agrees with the following policy when using the “Product”, and the “User” agrees that the “Product” can collect, use, and protect the “User”'s personal information according to the following policy. If the “User” does not agree to the following terms or the Terms of Service, the “User” shall stop using the “Product”.
  5. To obtain the goals described in the Privacy Policy, the platform uses technologies including HTTP Cookie. The “User” agrees that the “Product” can use the technologies when it uses the “Product”.

CH2: Regarding Users Not Logged In

  1. The “Product” collects relevant browser information when the “User” visits the “Product”, including but not limited to the “User”'s IP address, browser type, browser language, and the time of the visit, in order for the “Product” to provide better service to the “User”.

CH3: Regarding Users Logged In

  1. For the “User” who is logged in to the “Product”, the “Product” collects all the information that the “Product” does for the “User” who is not logged in, in order for the “Product” to provide better service to the “User”.
  2. For the “User” who is logged in to the “Product”, the “Product” collects the “User”'s activity information and its subsequent statistics, including but not limited to the “User”'s browsing, interactions, input, upload, download, and deletion of the “Product”'s content. In addition, the “Product” collects and saves the “User”'s personal information when the “User” logs into the “Product”, including:
    1. The “User”'s email
    2. The “User”'s ID
    3. The “User”'s nickname
    4. The “User”'s avatar
    5. The “User”'s phone number
    6. The “User”'s password (stored after encryption; the platform cannot decrypt it.)

CH4: Data Protection

  1. The platform will use reasonable efforts to protect the “User”'s personal information, protecting it from unauthorized access, usage, and disclosure.
  2. Except for the following situations, the platform will not disclose the “User”'s personal information to any third party:
    1. Payment service provider: the platform uses the personal information of the “User” to complete all payment transactions. The platform uses:
    2. Data analytics provider: Data analytics provider collects the “User”'s personal information to provide data analytics service to the platform. The platform uses:
    3. Cybersecurity service provider: Cybersecurity service provider collects the “User”'s personal information to provide cybersecurity service to the platform. The platform uses:
    4. Legal requirements: The platform will provide the “User”'s personal information to the relevant government agencies when required by law. The platform will make reasonable efforts to notify the “User” in this situation, and will make reasonable efforts to prevent the government agencies from obtaining unnecessary information.
    5. Reporting illegal activities: The platform will provide the “User”'s personal information to the relevant government agencies when the “User” violates the Terms of Service and the relevant laws. The platform will not notify the “User” in this situation, and will not make any efforts to protect the “User”'s personal information.

💡In other words:
This section is not included in the Privacy Policy.
If you use this platform reasonably, we will protect your data as much as possible. If you are here to steal information, or to use the content of this platform to commit fraud, we will definitely report you to the relevant government agencies.

CH5: Data Storage and Deletion

  1. The platform will store the “User”'s personal information until the “User” deletes the “User”'s account.
  2. The “User” can contact the platform to request the platform to delete the “User”'s account. In this situation, the platform will delete the “User”'s account, and delete the “User”'s personal information.

